Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System Hints and Tips
Hints and Tips User Guide 1-7
gsm - grams per meter squared; also used as label to indicate “paper weight”
Input/Output Spool Sizes
The following measures can be displayed in two parts.
Input Spool Size: 0 (MB) / 0 (MB) - The Input Spool Size is displayed as the amount of the input
spool currently used over the total capacity of the input spool (current used [MB] / total
capacity [MB]).
Output Spool Size: 0 (MB) / 0 (MB) - The Output Spool Size is displayed as the amount of the
output spool currently used over the total capacity of the output spool (current used [MB] /total
capacity [MB])
Copy Count Display: Copies: ___ / ___ (current number printed / of total).