8825/8830 Controller Setup Manual for Firmware 6.0 85
Configuring the Printer Setup Defaults (continued)
Setting The Mismatch Queueing Enable
(On or Off)
To prevent print jobs or individual pages, which do not match any Bond, Film,
or Vellum media installed in the printer, from halting the printing process, set
the Mismatch Queueing Enable to ON. You must also set the Bond, Film, or
Vellum Mismatch Option, as separately described in this manual, to QUERY.
Once these two options have been set, all mismatched print jobs or pages
will be placed in a mismatch queue for later resolution by “Displaying the
Mismatch Queue” as separately described in this manual.
Note: When a mismatch occurs resulting in the placement of a job or
page in the Mismatch Queue, a * will appear in the upper right hand
corner of the Printer Control Panel’s display.
When building document sets, if a page is mismatched and placed in
the Mismatch Queue, your set might be incomplete without warning.
When Mismatch Queueing is enabled, check the completeness of
document sets.
Default: OFF
Path to Setting the Mismatch Queueing Enable
At the Printer Control Panel, when the display shows <IDLE>, press [ON-
LINE]. When the display shows <PAUSED>, press [ENTER]. When the
display shows <UTILITIES>, press [NEXT] until <SETUP PRINTER> is
displayed, then press [ENTER]. Press the [NEXT] key until <MISMATCH
QUEUEING ENABLE> is displayed, then press [ENTER]. Use the [NEXT]
key to display <ON> and press [ENTER] to confirm this selection. Press
[EXIT] to escape the current menu. Press the [ON-LINE] key to put the
printer back on line.