Controlling the Quality of Your Prints
Phaser® 7760 Color Laser Printer
To select the print-quality mode in a supported driver:
Adjusting Color
The TekColor correction options provide simulations of different color devices. Automatic is
the default correction for general image processing. See the following table to determine what
option you want to use.
Operating System Steps
Windows 98 SE 1. Select the Setup tab.
2. Select a print-quality mode.
Windows 2000,
Windows XP, or
Windows Server 2003
1. Select the Paper/Quality tab.
2. Select a print-quality mode.
Mac OS 9.x 1. In the Print dialog box, select General.
2. Select Print Quality from the drop-down list.
3. Select the desired mode for Quality.
Mac OS X, version
10.2 and higher
1. In the Print dialog box, select Image Quality from the drop-down list.
2. Select a print-quality mode from the Print Quality drop-down list.
TekColor Correction Description
Automatic Applies the best color correction to each graphic
element: text, artwork, and photographs.
Office Color sRGB Display Approximates the colors on a CRT computer display.
sRGB Vivid Produces brighter, more saturated colors than sRGB
LCD Display Approximates the colors on a LCD computer monitor.
Custom Colors Uses an RGB custom color correction developed for
your printer using PhaserMatch software.
Press Match SWOP Press Matches Specifications for Web Offset Publications.
Euroscale Matches FOGRA glossy paper specification.
Commercial Approximates U.S. commercial press target.
SNAP Press Matches Specifications for Newsprint Advertising
Japan Color Matches Japan Color 2001 specification.
ISO Coated Matches FOGRA 27L specification.
ISO Uncoated Matches FOGRA 29L specification.
Custom Colors Uses a CMYK custom color correction developed for
your printer using PhaserMatch software.