Table of contents
Laser safety iii
Ozone information iii
Operation safety iv
Introduction xi
About this guide xi
Contents xii
Conventions xiii
Xerox DocuPrint Network Printer Series xiv
1. DocuPrint Network Printer Services client 1-1
Document attributes 1-2
Virtual printers 1-2
Submitting print jobs 1-3
Communicating with the network 1-4
Receiving job status feedback 1-5
2. Setting up workstations 2-1
Setting up PC-DOS workstations 2-1
Installing Xerox Client Software for DOS 2-2
Verifying your installation 2-4
Installing the PPD file for the PC 2-4
Installing the Decomposition Service DOS Tools on the PC 2-5
Removing DOS client software 2-6
Setting up Macintosh workstations 2-7
Preparing for Installation 2-7
Installing the Document Submission Client Software 2-8
Verifying your installation 2-8
Installing Xerox Client Software on UNIX workstations 2-9
Installing Xerox Client Software for UNIX 2-10
Verifying your installation 2-11
Installing Xerox Client Software man pages 2-12
Removing UNIX client software 2-13
Installing the PPD file 2-13
Installing the Decomposition Service UNIX Tools 2-14
Enabling lpr print utilities for UNIX workstations 2-15
SunOS 4.0 and 4.1x 2-15
Solaris 2-16