Installing Xerox Client Software for UNIX
You install Xerox Client Software on client workstations using the ftp
command to log on to the Printer Controller, retrieve an installation
command file, and execute it. This procedure automatically
downloads the software.
Note: In order for jobs submitted by Xerox Client software to print,
Xerox job ticket processing must be enabled. This is specified during
installation or by using the Configure utility. Also, in order to
download the client software, FTP capability must be enabled on the
controller. This is specified during installation or via the Configure
utility. If security is a concern, FTP capability can be disabled after
the software is downloaded by using Configure. For more
information, see the chapter “Using utility commands” in your Guide
to Configuring and Managing the System.
At the client workstation, log on to the client as root and perform the
following steps:
1. Verify that the Printer Controller name and TCP/IP address are
located in the /etc/hosts file.
2. If an entry containing the Printer Controller name and TCP/IP
address does not exist, add it unless you are using an NIS or
DNS name service.
3. To verify that the client workstation can communicate with the
Printer Controller, enter one of the following utility commands at
the > prompt:
• ping <Printer Controller name>
• ftp <Printer Controller name>
If the response to these commands is “unknown host,” go back
to step 1.
4. Change directories to the user home directory.
Note: You can use any directory to execute the command file,
but using the home directory is preferred.
5. Find the client directory and command file for your client
platform in the table below.
Client platform Client directory Command file
SunOS 4.1.x and 4.0 SUN4 instsun4
Sun Solaris SOLARIS instsolaris
DEC ULTRIX 4.3 (MIPS) DEC__ULT instult
HP 9000 HP-UX 10.01 HP__UX insthpux
RS 6000 IBM AIX 4.1 IBM__AIX instibmaix
MS-DOS Sun PC-NFS MS__DOS__NFS instnfs.bat
MS-DOS FTP MS__DOS__FTP instftp.bat
MS-DOS Wollongong
Pathway Access