Glossary-10 Using LCDS Print Description Language
metacode Same as “native mode.” Method of speaking to and controlling
the image generator. These controls are used by the character
dispatcher to generate scan line information. This information is
sent in the form of character specifications to the image
generator, which uses it to compose the bit stream that
modulates the laser.
MHz megahertz. 1. Unit of cycling speed (one million cycles per
second) for an electromagnetic wave (in particular, a radio
wave). 2. Sending and receiving stations of a radio wave
transmission must be tuned in to the same unit of megahertz.
MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. MICR allows a computer to
read characters printed in special metallic ink by scanning the
shapes of their magnetic fields. MICR fields are often imprinted
on bank checks before processing.
module Cohesive unit within a program. It is consistent in its level and
identifiable in terms of loading or with other units.
MTU magnetic tape unit (refers to the 9-track magnetic tape drive;
also referred to as “magnetic tape drive”)
nonimpact printer Printer that forms characters without any strikes of a key or
element against the paper.
object file Source file converted into machine language (binary code).
OCR optical character recognition
offset To place pages currently being printed in slightly different
positions from previous pages.
OLI online interface
operating system Basic host- or LPS-resident controlling program that governs the
operations of a computer, such as job entry, input/output, and
data management. The operating system is always running
when the computer is active. Unlike other types of programs, it
does not run to an end point and stop. The operating system of a
Xerox LPS is referred to as the operating system software
orientation 1. In reference to image area, orientation describes whether the
printed lines are parallel to the long edge of the paper or the
short edge of the paper. 2. Choice of printing portrait (vertically)
or landscape (horizontally).
origin In reference to image area, this is the upper left corner of a
OS operating system