Jobs Saved in Printed Queue
1-99, 10
If you have enabled the Printed queue, specify the number of jobs to store in the Printed
queue. Jobs in the Printed queue take up space on the Integrated Fiery Color Server hard disk.
If disk space is low, specify a smaller number of saved jobs.
Allow Printing From
All users, Authorized users
Specify whether the Integrated Fiery Color Server authenticates users before their jobs are sent
to the Integrated Fiery Color Server. If you select Authorized users for this option, users must
belong to a group to which you have assigned printing privileges.
Auto, PCL, PS
Choose the personality of the digital press. If you choose Auto, the page description language
of incoming jobs is automatically detected and sent to the appropriate interpreter, PostScript
or PCL.
If you choose a specific interpreter, incoming jobs are initially sent to that interpreter. If the
job type does not match, the job is sent to the other interpreter.
Enable Job Mismatch
Select this option if you want the Integrated Fiery Color Server to take particular action if the
job cannot print because of missing resources.
Mismatch Action
Suspend, Cancel
If you enabled Job Mismatch, choose the action for mismatched jobs. While a job is
suspended, other jobs continue to process and print.
Mismatch Timeout
If you enabled Job Mismatch, specify how long (in seconds) the Integrated Fiery Color Server
waits before it determines that a job is mismatched and therefore should be canceled.
PostScript/PCL Setup
These Setup menus allow you to set printing defaults for jobs sent to the Integrated Fiery
Color Server. When a user prints a job from the printer driver, the user can make a specific
setting for most print options on a job-by-job basis, and this setting is applied to the job.
However, users who send jobs without a printer driver (for example, from UNIX or DOS
command lines) cannot specify a setting and therefore must rely on the defaults that you set in
Setup. For information about these defaults, see “Setup options” on page 54.