Fault Codes
Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128/133 User Guide 331
016-702 PCL print data could not be processed as there was insufficient space in the
print page buffer. Take one of the following actions.
• Lower the resolution in the print driver.
• Increase the size of the print page buffer.
• Add memory.
016-703 An e-mail specifying a non-registered or invalid mailbox number was received.
Take one of the following actions.
• Register the mailbox with the specified number.
• Send an e-mail to a valid mailbox.
016-704 The hard disk ran out of space because the mailboxes are full. Delete
unnecessary documents from the mailboxes.
016-705 The document could not be saved for Secure Print because the optional hard
disk is not installed. The hard disk is required to use the Secure Print feature.
016-706 The hard disk ran out of space because the maximum number of users for
secure printing was exceeded. Delete unnecessary documents or users
registered for the Secure Print feature.
016-707 Sample prints cannot be made because the hard disk is malfunctioning. Contact
the Xerox Welcome Center.
016-708 [Annotation] cannot be made because the hard disk is malfunctioning. Delete
unnecessary documents from the disk.
016-710 Delayed prints cannot be made because the hard disk is malfunctioning.
Contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
The e-mail size exceeds the maximum value allowed. Try one of the following
procedures and resend the e-mail.
• Reduce the number of pages in the document.
• Lower the resolution in [Scan Resolution].
• Reduce the document size using [Reduce/Enlarge].
• Increase the maximum value in [Maximum E-mail Size] using the Key
Operator access.
016-716 The TIFF file could not be spooled as the size of the file exceeded the remaining
space on disk. Increase the size of the PCL form area.
016-721 An error occurred while printing a job. The Auto Tray Switching feature was
enabled when [Auto Paper Off] is selected for all paper trays on the [Paper Type
Priority] screen. When the Auto Tray Switching feature is enabled, select a
paper type other than [Auto Paper Off] on the [Paper Type Priority] screen.
016-728 The TIFF file contains unsupported tags.
016-729 The TIFF file could not be printed as the number of colors and resolution of the
TIFF file exceeded the limit. Change the number of colors and resolution of the
TIFF file, and instruct it to print again.
016-731 Printing of the TIFF data stopped midway. Instruct it to print again.
Code Description and Remedy