Overview of Auditron Administration
Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128/133 User Guide 299
O: Manageable
X: Not manageable
*1: This feature forbids any actions beyond the number of pages specified.
For more information on the setting methods, refer to Create/Check User Accounts in
the Setups chapter on page 259.
Network Authentication
When you are using Network Authentication with the machine, Auditron Administration
information is managed through a remote account server.
The features and services that can be managed using the Auditron Administration
feature are as follows.
O: Manageable
X: Not manageable
*1: This feature forbids any actions beyond the number of pages specified.
Restricted Use
Total Usage Per
Account Limit
Copy OOO
Print OOO
Charge Print O O O
Scan OOO
Fax, Internet Fax O X O
Direct Fax O X O
Report/List X X X
Restricted Use
Total Usage Per
Account Limit
Copy O X X
Print O X X
Charge Print O X X
Scan O X X
Fax, Internet Fax O X X
Direct Fax O X X
Report/List X X X