ppm Pages per minute.
Print Description Language See PDL.
print file Portion of the system disk memory (up to 4 MB) reserved for
temporary storage of formatted pages for printing. Pages are
retained until they are delivered to the output tray.
PSC Printer Subsystem Controller.
query Request for data or other information, entered by an operator
while the system is processing.
record A line of data as defined in the RECORD command.
report A single output data set, delimited by an RSTACK command or as
a file. In setting a separation boundary, reports are subsets of a
resolution Number of dots per inch (dpi) or spots per inch (spi). The
greater the number of dots, the higher the resolution and the
clearer the image. The terms dots, spots, and pixels are
scale To adjust font or image size according to given proportions.
sequential 1. In numeric sequence, usually in ascending order. 2. A file
structure in which records are written one after another and
cannot be randomly accessed.
set Multiple copies of the same report.
simplex printing Printing on one side of the page.
spi Spots per inch. See resolution.
spot A picture element imaged by the printer. Synonymous with dot
and pixel.
statement Detailed instructions in a program step, written according to
specific rules called syntax.
stock User-defined name in the JSL that specifies a certain type of
paper for printing a job.
stockset Collection of stocks to be used on a print job. See also stock.
string Connected sequence of alphanumeric characters treated as one
unit of data by a program.