Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide Page 3-19
NOTE: The size and orientation is determined for all trays
except the Bypass Tray.
Paper Supply options
Auto accepts the default setting (standard white paper) for the paper
supply. If a specific paper size is not selected, the DC440/432/
430/426/425/420 defaults to the size it senses from the
document and sends the output to the Center Tray.
Presets displays the most regularly used paper supply options. The
presets are set up by the Key Operator.
Other displays a list of all the trays and the paper type, color, size and
orientation loaded.
¾ Open the paper tray. The tray
attributes window is
¾ Load the tray.
¾ If the paper type or colour
has been changed, select
[Change Type or Colour]
and programme the new
settings. Select [Save].
¾ Select [Confirm] to carry on
with the job.