Page 3-10 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Standard Features - Copy
Use the first Copy screen to select the standard features for a
copy job. For more information about the features available
refer to the following:
Output - page 3-10
Sides Imaged - page 3-14
Reduce / Enlarge - page 3-16
Paper Supply - page 3-18
Image Quality - page 3-20
NOTE: Only those features relevant to the machine
configuration will be available.
Depending on the machine configuration the Document Centre
can be installed with a Tray, a Left Tray and a Finisher.
NOTE: A6 size paper should not be fed to the Finisher.
The Center Tray is the default output tray. Output will be
delivered face down and offset to the Center Tray. Copy sets
delivered to the Left Tray will be face up and are not offset.
Quick Pathway
¾ Select [Features] on
the control panel.
¾ If necessary select
¾ Select the features
available on the first
[Copy] screen.