The WorkCentre Pro Network Soanner provides the following features:
> The soan feature by using the mailbox in the maohine
> The soan feature by using the CentreWare Spanning Servioes
The following is the summary of eaoh soan feature:
Scanning with the Mailbox
You oan store a dooument in the mailbox by soanning the dooument on
the maohine.
The stored data oan be imported to the personal oomputer (olient)
oonneoted to a network.
Besides soanned doouments, you oan also import data reoeived from
other faosimile to your mailbox of the WorkCentre Pro.
See the UserGuide (Facsimile) for details of the mailbox feature.
Page 2-2 XEROX WorkCentre Pro 423/428 Scanner User Guide