All measurements were made on products performing within established operating specifications and received
recommended maintenance procedures. Xerox certifies that this product meets or exceeds the applicable standards for
safety and emissions.
PRODUCT: DocuPrint 350 HC PSDS No. 0789
Section IV - Environmental Information
Product Size Heat Emission* Environmental Limitations
(Centimeters / Inches) (BTU/HR) Min Max
D: 91 / 35.9 Warmup: 7,997 Relative Humidity (%) 10 85
W: 256 / 100.9 Standby: 5,378 Ambient Temp. (
C) 10 32
H: 119 / 46.9 Running: 13,060
Floor Space Requirements Weight
(Meter / Feet) (K Grams / Lbs.)
Stationary with Stacker 3.3 x 2.3 / 10.8 x 7.5 562 / 1,239
Movable 2.9 x 2.9 / 9.5 x 9.5
Hard Floor 3.3 x 1.8 / 10.8 x 5.9
Section V - Emission/Exposure Information*
Light Source FDA Accession #
Class 1 Laser Product 9120760-00
(Internal Helium Neon Laser) - IOT
Electromagnetic Emissions
FCC: Class A
DOC: Class A
Audible Noise TLV
Run: 66.5 dB (A) 85.0 dB (A)
Standby: 49.5 dB (A)
Impulse: 69.0 dB (A)
52 ug/min TLV
0.007 ppm (TWA) 0.1 ppm
0.01 ppm (STEL)
Concentration Based on Simulation Model:
Daily Copy Volume 8,000 copies/8.0 hours
Room Size 36.4 m
1/2 Air Room Change per Hour
Total Dust TLV
0.048 mg/m
10 mg/m
* Based on a five minute average
• TLV (Threshold Limit Value) and PEL (Permissible Exposure Level) respectively set by American
Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists and by Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
These levels are considered maximum exposure permitted to ensure no health hazard. TWA (Time
Weighted Average) for a normal eight hour workday. STEL (Short Term Exposure Level).