12 Chapter 2 – Getting Started
Working from a PC Client Workstation
Defining the Printer on the Client Workstation
To define a network printer in Windows XP:
1. From the Start menu, select Run.
2. In the Open box, type \\, followed by the host name or IP Address of the color
server, and click OK.
The server window opens.
3. Double-click the desired network printer icon.
The network printer is defined on your Windows client workstation.
Printing from the Client Workstation
To print a job from a client workstation, print the job to one of the Spire CX260
network published printers—for example, ProcessPrint.
The job is spooled and then processed and printed (according to the selected job
flow of the published printer). If you use this method, you can print from any
application —for example, Microsoft Word— and use any file format from any client
workstation (Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX).
Note: Jobs that are spooled to the Spire CX260 must have the appropriate file
name extensions—for example, *.ps or *.pdf.