Logical page — The image that is produced by the emulation (also
called logical sheet). When no layout is selected, it corresponds to the
physical page (the paper size or paper type), but when a complex lay-
out is selected, it is one of the images that gets mapped to a physical
page within the borders.
Margins — The portion of the physical page around the edges of the
paper where no imaging will take place.
Page grid — The placement of logical pages as tiles on the physical
Page spot — Each of the resulting rectangles after applying the fol-
lowing steps when a layout is specified:
1 Choose a paper size.
2 Orient the paper size.
3 Obtain a smaller rectangle by carving out the margins.
4 Divide up the resulting rectangle according to the geometry
specified by the %%IncludeFeature:pagegrid or
%%IncludeFeature:booklet commands.