B. BSupplies
Effective management of your laser printing system requires that you
maintain proper inventory levels of paper and other supplies at all
times. No one wants to lose production time because supplies are
not available when they are needed.
Planning ahead also makes sense from a financial standpoint. It
allows you to take advantage of quantity discounts, which can mean
very great savings to your company. Your sales representative or
supply specialist can help you plan most effectively and
economically. The purpose of this chapter is to give you a summary
of the most-used paper and the necessary supplies, their order
numbers, and how to order them from Xerox.
How to order supplies (in U.S.A.)
Call this toll-free number: 1-800-822-2200, Monday through Friday,
between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Pacific time.
Give the supply order representative the following information:
• Your Xerox customer number (which is supplied by your Xerox
representative. Your customer number is also included on your
Xerox invoice.)
• Your equipment model number:DocuPrint180
• Item description (Refer to table B-1, “Consumable supplies.”)
• Quantities required for each item
• A purchase order number, if that is the method of payment used
by your company.