Document conventions
This guide uses the following conventions:
< > Angle brackets are used for keys on the system controller keyboard.
{} Curly brackets are used for required characters.
... Ellipses indicate that you may repeat a parameter or list a series of
[] Square brackets are used for optional command characters.
| Vertical bars are used to separate parameters in a series. The
vertical bar stands for “or.”
Bold Bold is used for characters you enter at the command line.
Italics Italics are used for variable information.
Monospace font The monospace font is used to display system responses.
Underline System default parameters are underlined.
UPPERCASE Uppercase letters are used for command names. You may key in
entire words for each command, or the first three characters of each
word. In this manual the entire word of each command is spelled out.
Note: A note indicates an operation, practice or condition that
should be taken into consideration to efficiently accomplish a task.
Caution: Cautions alert you to an action that could damage
hardware or software.
Warning: Warnings alert you to conditions that may affect the
safety of people.