GLOSSARY-2 Installation Planning Guide
binary digit (bit) In the binary numbering system, either of the characters
0 or 1. The bit is the basic unit of information with which
a computer works. It can take the form of a magnetized
spot, an electric pulse, a positive or negative charge, etc.
A number of bits strung together represents a character
to a computer.
Multipliers are:
1 byte = 8 bits
1 kilobyte (KB) or 1,024 bytes = 8,192 bits
1 megabyte (MB) or 1,048,576 bytes = 8,388,608 bits.
Computer space equivalents are:
1.5 KB = about 1 single-spaced typed page
30 KB = about 20 typed pages
150 KB = about 100 typed pages
bitmap Electronic definition of an image, comprised of a matrix
of picture elements (pixels or dots), where a bit value of
one means that the picture element is imaged, and a bit
value of zero means that the picture element is not
imaged. The number of picture elements in a square
area is a function of the display device resolution.
bit mapped Display image generated bit by bit for each point or dot.
A software-driven scanner is used to create characters
and/or graphics.
bits per second (bps) In serial communication, the instantaneous bit speed
with which a device or channel transmits a character.
blocking Process of combining two or more records into a single
block of data which can then be moved, operated upon,
stored, etc., as a single unit by the computer.
block length Number of characters or bytes contained in a block of
data (the block is treated as a unit within the computer).
Block length is usually invariable within a system and
may be specified in units such as records, words,
computer words, or characters.
boot To load a program’s initial instructions of a program into
the computer’s memory. These instructions then direct
the loading of the rest of the program. Booting may
require entry of a few commands at the keyboard or the
flip of a switch to begin the process.