Chapter 9: ICL FTF File Transfer
Describes the ICL FTF file transfer utility supported by
TeemTalk for Windows 3.1x in all terminal emulation modes.
Chapter 10: FTP File Transfer
Describes the FTP interface for file transfer across Windows
Sockets based networks.
Chapter 11: Initialization Commands
Describes commands that can be included in the initialization
file and on the command line to specify the loading
configuration for TeemTalk.
Chapter 12: Creating A Script File
Describes how to create a script file to automate certain
activities such as logging onto remote computers.
Chapter 13: Dynamic Data Exchange
Describes the support of dynamic data exchange (DDE) by
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Provides answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Appendix B: Virtual Key Names
Lists all the virtual key names that enable you to include a
specific key function in a user definition for key macros, soft
buttons, hotspots, etc.
Appendix C: Key Reference Numbers
Lists all the valid key reference numbers used for key
programming in Tek Primary Setup and host commands,
and the script language PSET and PGET commands.
Appendix D: Character Sets
Shows the character set code tables supported by TeemTalk.
Appendix E: Host Command Summary
Lists the host commands that are supported in each terminal
emulation mode.