Contact 502A
1 Unscrew the upper par t (2) of the microphone in a
counter-clockwise direction
2. Install the two AA batteries according to the polarity as
shown in the battery compartment, and screw the upper
part tight.
3. Operating Functions of the LCD Panel
1) When the power switch is in position 1, the LCD
displays all the content, then displays the power value
for a second.
2) Bat ter y Status: When the bat ter y level is 10%,
batteries should be replaced. When the battery level is
0%, the LCD battery level and the power supply indicator
will flash to remind you again to change batteries. If
the battery level is too low for a long time, the LCD will
display “Po OFF” and turn off the microphone.
4. Turnoff:
1) When the power supply is switched to “O”, the LCD
will display “Po OFF”, which indicates it will turn off soon,
and then the power supply will automatically shut down.