In production, Volvo has partly or completely phased out several chemicals including freons, lead
chromates, naphtanates, asbestos, mercury and cadmium; and reduced the amount of chemicals used in
our plants 50% since 1991.
In use, Volvo was the first in the world to introduce into production a three-way catalytic converter with
a Lambda sond, now called oxygen sensor, in 1976. The current version of this highly efficient system
reduces emissions of harmful substances (CO, HC, NOx) from the exhaust pipe by approximately 95%
and the search to eliminate the remaining emissions continues. Volvo is the only automobile
manufacturer to offer CFC-free retrofit kits for the air conditioning system for all models as far back as
the M/Y 1975 240. Advanced electronic engine controls, refined purification systems and cleaner fuels
are bringing us closer to our goal.
After Volvo cars and parts have fulfilled their use, recycling is the next critical step in completing the
life cycle. The metal content is about 75% of the total weight of a car, which makes the car among the
most recycled industrial products. In order to have efficient and well controlled recycling, many Volvo
variants have printed dismantling manuals, indicating the weight and material of individual components.
For Volvo, all homogeneous plastic parts weighing more than 1.7 oz. (50 grams) are marked with
international symbols that indicate how the component is to be sorted for recycling.
In addition to continuous environmental refinement of conventional gasoline-powered internal
combustion engines, Volvo is actively looking at advanced technology alternative-fuel vehicles.
When you drive a Volvo, you become our partner in the work to lessen the car's impact on the
To reduce your vehicle's environmental impact, you can:
· Maintain proper air pressure in your tires. Tests have shown decreased fuel economy with improperly
inflated tires
· Follow the recommended maintenance schedule
· Drive at a constant speed
· See an authorized Volvo retailer as soon as possible for inspection if the check engine (malfunction
indicator) lamp illuminates, or stays on after the vehicle has started
· Properly dispose of any vehicle related waste such as used motor oil, used batteries, brake pads, etc.
· When cleaning your car, use Volvo's own car care products, all of which have systematically been
adapted to the environment
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