Intelligent Driver Information System (IDIS)
To help avoid distractions during critical driving situations, IDIS constantly analyzes your driving and
will delay secondary information from the car or one of its onboard systems when it detects intense
steering, braking or acceleration. As soon as things calm down the delayed information is presented.
Dynamic Stability and Traction Control (DSTC)
By helping prevent fishtails, spinouts, and rollovers, stability
control technology like DSTC has been described as one of
the most vital safety advances of the past decade. At the core
of DSTC, sensors registers the car’s direction and roll rate. The
system compares this with steering wheel movements as well
as the actual rotation of the car’s wheels. DSTC is able to
detect a potential skid and help counteract this by reducing
the engine’s power output, or braking on one or more wheels.
Further developed in the XC60, this technology also adds to
stability in dynamic driving where the vehicle is exposed to
high lateral forces.
Adaptive brake light
Active at speeds above 30 mph, the adaptive brake light can
sense the difference between normal and panic braking. If it is
a panic situation, all the brake lights will flash at a rate of four
times per second. Once your speed slows to below 19 mph,
the lights stop flashing and hazard lights flash instead.
Roll Stability Control (RSC)
In the event of an emergency manuever, Volvo’s Roll Stability
Control (RSC) can step in to help prevent the vehicle from
rolling over. It features a gyroscopic sensor that registers the
vehicle’s lean angle and rollover risk. If required, RSC will cut
engine power or brake one or more of the wheels just enough
to reduce the centrifugal force and help regain balance.
City Safety
City Safety collision avoidance technology is a Volvo world-
first standard feature for safer urban driving. At speeds up
to 19 mph, this laser-based technology can sense if a vehicle
in front within 20-25 feet is at a standstill or is moving slower.
If City Safety senses an impending collision, the brakes are
pre-charged to act faster on your response. And if you don’t
brake, City Safety automatically applies the brakes and
switches off the throttle to help you avoid or mitigate a colli-
sion. City Safety is activated when you start the car, but can
be switched off if you, for instance, are driving in deep snow.
SAFETY Preventive
Active Bending Lights (ABL)*
Compared to conventional halogen headlamps, Active
Bending headlights with Dual Xenon technology expand
your vision range by about 230%. This means you’ll be
helped to gain 150 feet more for braking. And using
motorised lamps that turn up to 15° in either direction,
this technology gives a 90% boost to your vision round
bends at night. You can enjoy highly effective low beam
illumination on narrow, winding roads and extremely
powerful full beams on the motorway. A daylight sensor
disengages the adaptive function during daytime to
extend its lifespan. Independent of the load, these
headlights self-adjust to maintain the correct angle to
the road – even during hard acceleration or braking.
* Optional