Park Assist Camera*
If the car is equipped with the optional navigation system
the park assist camera, helps display what’s going on
behind your car when reversing. The system uses the
navigation screen and a camera discretely located over
the license plate. On-screen guiding lines provide extra
assistance for smooth parking.
* Retailer installed Accessory
Rain sensor*
Once activated, the rain sensor can start the windscreen
wipers as soon as it begins to rain or if water splashes
onto the windscreen. It can also automatically adapt the
intermittent windscreen-wiper function. Its sensitivity can
be adjusted via a ring on the wiper stalk.
* Included in the optional Climate Package
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TECH & SOUND Driver’s support
Blind Spot Information System (BLIS)*
BLIS uses rear-facing cameras installed in the door mirrors
to keep a lookout on either side of the car. As a vehicle
enters your blind spot, this function can alert you with a
lamp built in to the front door post – left or right. Together
with the door mirrors, this helps you assess the feasibility
of a lane change. BLIS is activated once the car exceeds
6 mph, and reacts to almost any type of vehicle from a
motorcycle upwards, day or night.
* Optional
Front and rear park assist
Activated when you engage reverse gear, rear park assist
helps you when reversing into tight spaces. The audio
system is turned down and a pulsating sound from the rear
loudspeakers becomes a continuous tone as you approach
an obstacle. Front park assist performs a similar function
at the front of the vehicle – alerting you via the front
loudspeakers. The remaining distance is also shown on
the audio display.
* Included in the optional Convenience Package
Electric Parking Brake
The Electric Parking Brake (EPB) makes moving off from steep gradients easier. Once depressed, the
control lever automatically releases as the car pulls away.
Automatically dimmed inner rear-view mirror
This is a mirror that automatically adjusts itself to deflect the headlamp beams of the car behind you.
When there’s no light to dazzle you, it automatically readjusts to its normal setting. This can be supple-
mented with an integrated compass.*
* Standard on R-DESI GN