SAFETY Protective
In a rear impact the rear deformation zones will
help absorb crash energy. The fuel tank is designed
to remain well protected in front of the rear axle.
The head restraints help protect the neck and
spine, and Volvo’s unique Whiplash Protection
System (WHIPS) cradles the front seat occupants
in a controlled manner to help prevent whiplash
In a Volvo, safety is about interaction. Because it’s not the number
of safety features that determines how safe a car is. It’s how
well they seamlessly interact to help keep the occupants out of
harm’s way.
In a side impact Volvo’s unique Side Impact
Protection System (SIPS) helps distribute the crash
forces across the car’s body, away from the occupants.
The dual-chamber side airbags in the front seats
help protect the chest and hip, while the Inflatable
Curtain (IC) adds head protection.
In a roll-over the robust safety cage and the
reinforced roof structure together with the safety
belts and belt pre-tensioners will help protect the
occupants. If the car first has been hit from the side,
the Inflatable Curtain (IC) deploys to help provide
head protection.
In a frontal collision the patented frontal structure
will yield to help absorb and disperse crash energy.
The compact power train is designed to help optimize
deformation. Inside the car, safety belts interact
with the collapsible steering column and dual-stage
airbags to help keep the occupants out of harm’s way.