Select the protocol for the service. The system predefined protocols
include TCP, UDP and TCP/UDP.
Dest. Port:
Enter the start and end ports to make a destination port range for the
service. The start port number cannot be greater than the end port
List of Service
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
The service types predefined by the system cannot be modified.
4.7 Services
4.7.1 PPPoE Server
The router can be configured as a PPPoE server to specify account and IP address to users in LAN and
thus you can control the dial-up of users for a high efficiency in network management.
The PPPoE configuration can be implemented on General, IP Address Pool, Account, Exceptional
IP and List of Account pages. General
On this page, you can configure PPPoE function globally.
Choose the menu Services→PPPoE Server→General to load the following page.