Chapter 1 Before Turning on the Power
Computer module C2PU37 User’s Manual
Follow the precautions described below for the installation of the board housing the
model 2000:
(1) House in a dust proof control board because the module itself is not dust proof.
(2) Avoid installing on top of devices that emit considerable amount of heat (such as
heater, transformer, or large resistor).
(3) Do not install inside the same board with high voltage equipment.
(4) Maintain a distance of at least 200mm from high voltage or power line.
(5) Provide a space of at least 70mm around the base for ventilation.
(6) Keep away from high voltage equipment and power equipment or provide metal
shielding for safety during maintenance and operation.
(7) Be careful not to drop foreign objects such as loose wires inside the module or
(8) Always mount the base on a vertical panel with the power supply module on the
left. C2 cannot be used in a horizontal position.
(9) Use M4 size screws to mount the unit and fasten securely (recommended torque:
1.47N=15kgf • cm).
The unit mounting dimensions are as follows:
Model a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] Weight [g]
BU648E 402.5 95 – 900
BU643D 224.5 95 203.0 850
BU610 155.5 95 – 400
[Note] No hole for BU643D
4 - M4