Installation and Setup
68 Phaser 6600 Color Printer
User Guide
10. After the settings are changed, to restart the printer, click Restart Printer.
11. Enter the IP address of the printer in the address bar, then press the Enter key.
12. To display the SSL page, repeat steps 2, 3, and 4.
13. Ensure that Enabled SSL is selected.
Importing a Digital Certificate
Before importing a certificate, back up the certificate file.
Note: Use Internet Explorer to import the certificate from Windows. Use Safari to import
certificates from Macintosh.
To import a digital certificate:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser, type the IP address of the printer in the address field,
then press Enter or Return.
2. Click Properties.
3. In the left navigation panel, scroll to Security, then select SSL.
4. Click Upload Signed Certificate.
Note: Upload Signed Certificate appears only when the optional hard drive is installed and the
HDD Data Encryption is enabled.
5. Enter a password corresponding to the certificate file to import.
Note: A password is only required for PKCS#12 certificates. Leave the password field blank for
PKCS#7 and other certificates.
6. To confirm, re-enter the password.
7. Click the Browse button, then browse to the certificate file and select it.
8. To import the file, click Import.
Configuring the Digital Certificate Purpose
1. At your computer, open a Web browser, type the IP address of the printer in the address field,
then press Enter or Return.
2. Click Properties.
3. In the left navigation panel, scroll to Security, then select Certificate Management.
Note: Certificate Management appears in the Security menu only when the optional hard drive is
installed and HDD Data Encryption is enabled.
4. Next to Category, select an option:
• When setting a certificate for an SSL server, SSL client, IPsec, or Wireless LAN client,
select Local Device.
• When setting a certificate for a Wireless LAN server, select Trusted Certificate Authority.