Installation and Setup
62 Phaser 6600 Color Printer
User Guide
Configuring Secure Settings
1. From the Security menu, click Secure Settings.
2. To limit access to the control panel menus:
a. Next to Panel Lock Set, select Enable.
b. Enter a four-digit passcode, then re-enter the passcode.
3. To allow download of firmware updates, next to Software Downloads, select Enable.
4. To encrypt the data on the hard drive:
a. Click the HDD Data Encryption link.
b. Next to Encryption, select On.
c. Enter an Encryption Key for the printer, then re-enter the key.
Note: All stored data is deleted after you change the Data Encryption Settings.
d. Click Save Changes.
5. To limit the number of attempts allowed when logging in as an administrator, next to Login
Attempts, select an option from the list.
6. Click Save Changes.
Configuring the Host Access List
The host access list controls access to the printer over LPR or Port 9100. You can enter up to five IP
address/mask combinations, and then select to reject, accept, or turn off the filtering for each IP
address. You can enter a specific IP address and address mask, or you can enter a range of IP
addresses and address masks. If no IP address and address mask is entered in the host access list,
there are no limitations on printer access.
You can allow printing from one specific IP address only. The access list would look like the following
Access List IP Address Address Mask Operation
1 Accept
You can reject one specific IP address, but allow printing from any other address. The access list
would look like the following table:
Access List IP Address Address Mask Operation
1 Reject
2 Accept
The first row of the access list is the highest priority. If configuring a list with multiple rows, enter the
smallest range first. Make the first row the most specific, and the last row the most general.