Xerox Nuvera™ 100/120/144 Digital Production System - Customer Expectations Document
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Xerox Manual and Book Factory
The Xerox Manual + Book Factory (MBF) is comprised of the:
• C.P. Bourg BBF2005 – perfect binder
• C.P. Bourg BBR – out feed conveyor for the BBF2005
• C.P. Bourg BBF2005 Input – input module for the BBF2005
• C.P. Bourg BPRF – perforate, rotate, fold module (optional)
• Challenge CMT-330 – three-side trimmer (optional)
• C.P. Bourg BDFx (with optional peripherals BCFx, SQEDG, and Gateway) – booklet maker (currently
not available with Nuvera)
Documents flow directly from the Xerox printer to the MBF without the bottleneck associated with the traditional
offline binding process. The CP Bourg BBF2005 Perfect Binder and BPRF module match the output speed of
the digital production press.
The CP Bourg Perforate, Rotate, Fold (BPRF) module receives the printed sheet of paper from the printer and
immediately perforates the sheet with a micro-perforation across it center. The sheet is then turned 90
folded on the perforation. The printed, perforated and folded paper then exits the BPRF and enters the
accumulating section (input section) of the Bourg Perfect Binder BBF2005. This process enables productive,
cost effective 2-up duplex signature printing.
The CP Bourg BBF 2005 Perfect Binder is the integrated perfect binder that produces professionally finished
books quickly and easily. The Perfect Binder compiles the pages (book block) from the BPRF, jogs the pages
into position and then vibrates them into alignment. The pages are clamped together and run across a milling
station, which roughs the spine edge for superior adhesive adherence. After the adhesive is applied, the book
block is moved to the cover mounting station. The cover is registered, applied in precise position, clamped to the
book block and delivered to the output tray.
The BBF2005 perfect binder dynamically senses the thickness of the book block during the clamping operation,
making it ideal for printing short runs of books with varying thickness. The book is then ready to be trimmed. As
an option, the Book Factory can also be equipped with an inline trimmer, the Challenge CMT-330. The CMT 330
is a three-side trimmer designed for the on-demand printing environment. It features full digital control of the
trimming process - servomotors control all adjustments normally done by hand with a traditional trimmer.
A Finisher Transport Module is required for in-line connectivity to the printer.
Please refer to theXerox Book Factory Solutions Planning Guide for further site planning information,
system dependencies, limitations, valid configurations and device specifications.