This manual is intended for the owner, operator, or installer of Tannoy 110 s eries s ubwoofers . It is a guide for
inst alling, se tting up and ope rating t he 11 0 serie s in accorda nce w it h established codes and pract ices available at t he
t ime of publicat ion . It doe s not and cannot detail all possible mou nting or wiring configurat ions. The end user is advised
t o re tain t he advice and serv ice s of a qualified cont ractor w ho is familiar w it h local codes and traine d in t he insta llation
of Tannoy profes s ional audio sys tems .
Th e 110 fam ily o f sub w o o fers has b een en gin eered to d eliver lo w freq uen cy exten sio n an d im p act fro m eith er a
concea le d ceiling mou nted position or an un obt rusiv e corner position, at any he ight from floor t o ceiling.
The 1 1 0 Serie s subw oofe rs fe ature a 10" long e x cursion driv e r capa ble of low end re sponse dow n t o 31 Hz and power
handling in ex ce ss of 10 0 Wat ts. Its desig n is fully comple mentary t o any Tann oy full range w a ll or ceiling mount
loudspe a ke r.
Three different s ubwoofer cabinet des igns and six different input " modules " offer a wide range of combinations
t ha t can meet almost any inst allation challenge, and fit into any indoor env ironme nt.
Today 's sound reinforce ment sy st e ms–w he th er in commercial or institut ional environme nts–must handle program
ma t erial t hat demands high impact, high-fidelity audio reproduct ion. At the same t ime, t he y must be nearly invisible.
The Ta nnoy 110 Se rie s of subw oofers me e t all of t he se crit e ria w ith out compromise .
110SR (Sh eet Ro ck)110TB (Tile Brid g e ) 110C S (C o rn er Su b)