iEQ User Manual
Limiter Control
will begin to occur� It is capable of a range of 0dBu through “OFF” (+20dBu)� When the threshold
control is set to “OFF”, the limiter is effectively disabled, and no gain reduction will occur�
AFS™ (Advanced Feedback Suppression) Button
This button engages the AFS function of the iEQ-15 and iEQ-31 and clears the AFS filters� If AFS is
off, the filters are bypassed and the algorithm is halted (the filters are not updated)� If AFS is on, the
filters are active� The AFS selections represent the width of the filters and determine how fast AFS
reacts� These AFS selections are as follows:
AFS Button LED
Bandwidth Q
Off AFS processing is disabled� Off - -
Music Low
Faster response time, lower
Green 1/10 Octave 14�5
Music Medium
Good combination of response
time and fidelity�
Yellow 1/20 Octave 29
Music High
Slightly slower response time, high
Red 1/80 Octave 116
See the “Operation” section of this manual for further information regarding AFS�
Type V™ NR Button
This button engages the dbx Type V™ noise reduction circuit within the iEQ� Typically, graphic
equalizers will raise the noise floor as the frequency band sliders are adjusted� dbx’s proprietary Type V™
noise reduction solves this problem by reducing the apparent noise floor using its simultaneous encode/
decode process (shown below)� The button lights when the dbx Type V™ noise reduction circuit is
Ty pe V™
Simultaneous Encode/Decode Control
Audio Audio
Ty pe V™
NOTE: dbx Type V™ noise reduction effectively reduces the inherent noise floor within the iEQ�
However, it will not reduce noise introduced into the system from other locations in the signal path�
Frequency Band Sliders
Each one of these slider potentiometers will boost or cut at its noted frequency by ±6dB or ±15dB,
depending upon the position of the RANGE button� When all the sliders are in the center detented
position, the output of the equalizer is flat� The frequency band centers of the iEQ-31 are marked at
1/3rd of an octave intervals on ISO standard spacings, while the frequency band centers of the iEQ-15
are marked at 2/3rds of an octave intervals on ISO standard spacings�
Low Cut Button
The LOW CUT button inserts (when lit) or removes the 18dB/octave 40Hz Bessel low-cut filter from
the signal path� When the LOW CUT button is pushed in, the LOW CUT filter is in the audio path�
Rear / Front Panels