223s, 223xs,
234s, 234xs
2.1 dbx 234s/234xs Front Panel
There are no front panel differences between the 234s and the 234xs. Therefore the
234xs is shown below, representing both the 234s and the 234xs.
In 2-way stereo mode the controls are marked in black BELOW the horizontal black line.
Channel One and Channel Two functions are identical in the stereo mode. Front panel controls
not described in this section are not active in stereo 2-way operation.
[1] & [5] Input GaIn Controls the INPUT level with +/- 12 dB of gain.
[2] & [6] Low/MId* Selects crossover point between the LOW and
HIGH outputs.
[3] & [7] Low output Controls the Low frequency output level with a
range of -∞ to +6 dB.
[4] & [8] HIGH output Controls the High frequency output with a range
of -∞ to +6 dB.
[9] & [14] Low Cut Switch for selecting the 40 Hz high pass filter. An
LED indicates the selection.
[10] & [15] x10 LEd Indicates that the LOW/HIGH crossover frequency
range is 450 Hz to 9.6 kHz.
[11] & [16] pHasE InvErt Switch for reversing the polarity on the LOW
Output. An LED indicates that the phase is
[12] & [17] pHasE InvErt Switch for reversing the polarity on the HIGH
Output. An LED indicates that the phase is
[13] stErEo LED indicating stereo mode operation.
*although this control is labeled as “Low/MId”, it operates as the crossover frequency control
between low and high frequencies in stereo 2-way operation.
Section 2
Operating Controls
Section 2 - Operating Controls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17