Dil ID: 6
Dil Adı: turkish
Dil Kodu: tr9tayfun Sonance Markası'nın Ürünleri
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Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Technical Assistance and Service
IIff yyoo uu aannyy hh aavvee qquueessttiioonnss aabboouutt tthhee oo ppeerraa ttiioonn oorr iinnssttaallll aattiioonn
oo ff tt hh iiss pp rroodd uu cc tt ,, pp ll eeaa ssee cc aall ll oouu rr TTee cc hh nnii ccaa ll AAss ss ii sstt aa nncc ee
DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt oonn aannyy bbuussiinneessss ddaayy aatt ((880000)) 558822--00777722 oorr ((994499))
44 9922--77777777 ;; ffrroomm 77 aa..mm.. ttoo 5
5 pp..mm..,, PPSSTT..
If your speakers should need repair or service, contact your Sonance
Authorized Dealer for help, or use the following procedure:
1. Prior to calling, note the product’s model number, serial number,
purchase date, and the name and address of the dealer where you
purchased the product.
2. Contact our Technical Assistance Department at the above num-
ber(s) and describe the problem the unit is experiencing. If appli-
cable, they will issue a Return Authorization Number.
3. If you’re directed to return the unit to Sonance for repair, pack the
unit in its original shipping carton. If needed, you can obtain
replacement packaging from us for a small charge. Note: it is best
if you place the box into an additional outer “overcarton” before
shipment to minimize a chance of theft in shipment. Please include
a copy of the original bill of sale inside the package.
4. Contact a package delivery company such as United Parcel
Service or Federal Express to arrange prepaid (not collect)
shipping. Do not use the U.S. Postal Service.
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT:: FFrreeiigghhtt ccoolllleecctt sshhiippmmeennttss wwiillll bbee rreeffuusseedd..
55.. WWrriittee tthhee RReettuurrnn AA uu tt hhoorriizzaattiioo nn NNuummbbeerr oonn t
thhee oo uutt ssiiddee oo ff
tthhee sshhiipppp iinngg ccaa rrttoonn..
6. Ship the packaged unit to:
QQuuaalliittyy AAssssuurraannccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt
22 1122 AAvveenniiddaa FFaabbrriicc aannttee
SSaann CClleemmeennttee,, CCAA 9922667722--77553311
Limited Lifetime Warranty Coverage
(U.S. Only)
SSoonnaannccee wwaa rrrraannttss ttoo tthhee oorriiggiinnaall rreettaaiill ppuurrcchhaasseerr oonnllyy tthhaatt
tthhiiss SS oonnaannccee pprroodduucctt wwiillll bbee ffrreeee ffrroomm ddeeffeeccttss iinn mmaa tteerriiaallss
aanndd wwoorrkkmmaannsshhiipp,, pprroovviiddeedd tthhee ssppeeaakkeerr wwaa ss ppuurrcchhaassee dd ffrroomm
aa SSoonnaannccee AA uu tthhoorriizzee dd DDeeaallee rr..
Defective products must be shipped, together with proof of purchase,
prepaid insured to the Authorized Sonance Dealer from whom they
were purchased, or to the Sonance factory at the address listed on
this instruction manual. Freight collect shipments will be refused. It is
preferable to ship this product in the original shipping container to
lessen the chance of transit damage. In any case, the risk or loss or
damage in transit is to be borne by the purchaser. If upon examina-
tion at the factory or Authorized Sonance Dealer it is determined that
the unit was defective in materials or workmanship at any time dur-
ing this warranty period, Sonance or the Authorized Sonance Dealer
will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no additional
charge, except as set forth below. If this model is no longer available
and can not be repaired effectively, Sonance, at is sole option, may
replace the unit with a current model of equal or grater value. In
some cases where a new model is substituted, a modification to the
mounting surface may be required. If mounting surface modification
is required, Sonance assumes no responsibility or liability for such
modification. All replaced parts and product become the property of
Sonance. Products replaced or repaired under this warranty will be
returned to the original retail purchaser, within a reasonable time,
freight prepaid.
This Warranty does not include service or parts to repair damage
caused by accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate
packing or shipping procedures, commercial use, voltage inputs in
excess of the rated maximum of the unit, or service, repair or modi-
fication of the product which has not been authorized or approved
by Sonance. This Warranty also excludes normal cosmetic deteriora-
tion caused by environmental conditions. This Warranty will be void
if the Serial Number on the product has been removed, tampered-
with or defaced. This Warranty is in lieu of all other expressed war-
ranties. If the product is defective in materials or workmanship as
warranted above, the purchaser’s sole remedy shall be repair or
replacement as provided above. In no event will Sonance be liable
for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or
inability to use the product, even if Sonance or an Authorized
Sonance Dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages,
or for any claim by any other party.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential
damages, so the above limitation and exclusion may not apply. All
implied warranties on the product are limited to the duration of this
expressed Warranty. Some states do not allow limitation on the
length of an implied warranty. If the original retail purchaser resides
in such a state, this limitation does not apply.
Exclusions And Limitations
The warranty set forth above is in lieu of all other warranties,
express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular pur-
pose, or otherwise. The warranty is limited to Sonance products reg-
istered herein and specifically excludes any damage to loudspeakers
and other allied or associated equipment which may result for any
reason from use with this product. Sonance shall, in no event, be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from any
breach of this warranty or otherwise. This warranty gives you specif-
ic legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state
to state.
©2007 Sonance. All rights reserved.
Sonance, Sonance Merlot, RotoLock, FastMount and Single-Stereo Technology are registered trademarks of Dana Innovations.
Due to continuous product improvement, all features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
For the latest Sonance product specification information visit our website: www.sonance.com
SONANCE • 212 Avenida Fabricante • San Clemente, CA 92672-7531 USA
(800) 582-7777 or (949) 492-7777 • FAX: (949) 361-5151 • Technical Support: (800) 582-0772
33-4476 06/07