Wire Size and Termination - The wiring diagram shows the minimum wire size
used for each connection, along with recommended lead color. If the wire is longer
than 10 ft. then use the next larger wire size. It is recommended that you use the
following guidelines when installing this unit:
• Use only high quality crimp connectors and make sure all connections are tight.
• Route wiring to prevent wear, overheating and interference with air bag
• Do not route the Control Head cable near the police radio, the antenna wire, or
any strobe components.
• Use grommets and sealant when passing through compartment walls.
• Minimize the number of splices to reduce voltage drop.
• Ground connections should only be made to substantial chassis components,
preferably directly to the negative of the vehicle battery.
• Install and check all wiring before connection to vehicle battery.
Wiring Connections:
BLACK LEAD: (Terminal 2) – Ground: Connect to the negative of the
battery, or to a good chassis ground. Be sure to use minimum
size #14 AWG wire.
RED LEAD: (Terminal 1) – Power: Connect to the positive of the battery,
or to a high current power buss. A power relay may also be
used. Be sure to use minimum size #14 AWG wire.
YELLOW LEAD: (Terminal 4) – Ignition Switched Power: Connect the Yellow
wire to your ignition switched power source. This will
automatically turn the unit off when the vehicle is not running,
thus preventing unnecessary battery drain. If you need to
operate this unit with the vehicle off, you need to connect this
wire to +12 VDC (although this not recommended).
BROWN LEADS: (Terminals 7 & 12) – Speakers: Connect one lead to each
terminal or lead of the speaker. Be sure to use minimum size
#14 AWG wire.
12 11 10