Using the TV's Features
Channels menu
action buttons
Channels menu
if News
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You can customize tlic channel listing hy enabling or disabling the dis]day of
certain diannels. For instattce, you may disable channels tliat vou never watch.
Y'ou can restore disabled channels at a later point in lime.
1. И the Guide Plus+ system isn't on youi' screen, press Cd.'IDK on yrnir
remote control.
2. Press MPNt ' to .select the Menu bar.
.•i. Lrse the right and leh arrows to highlight the (Juimicls menu selection.
4. [,se the up and clown arrows to .select a channel.
Then use the Channels Menu Action Hutu.)ns as described next.
Ф Cancel 2 9 Change 3
Channels Menu Action Buttons
While browsing the Channels mentc the Ixtllowing Action butttrns appear:
• Cancel Press 1 <.tn the remote to ctincel any changes you made since
entering the Channels Menu.
• Change Press 2 on the remote to change the chtmnel number for the
highlighted channel line.
• On/Off Press 3 on the remote to toggle the state of the channel between
On and Off.
The Setup menu allow's you to access the GUIDE Plus+ system setup information. To access the
Setup option:
1. If the Guide Plus+ system isn’t on your screen, press GUIDE on yonr remote control.
2. Press MENU to select the Menu Bar. .
3. Use the right arrow to highlight the Setup menti selection. ■
4. Use the up and down arrows to select Change system settings, Review options, or
View demo.
• Change system settings Confirms the settings you completed in the GUIDE Plus+
system setup are correct.
• Review options Displays the GUIDE Plus+ auto display options.
On Automatically, displays the GUIDE Plii.s+ system when you pre.ss the ON «OFF
button on the remote control.
Off Disables the GUIDE Plus+ .system from being displayed when you press the
ON «OFF button on the remote control.
• View demo Runs the GUIDE Pltis+ system clemcm.stration
Note: If you hare not completed your GUIDE Rlu.^+ system setup, these oplion.s iritt not he
anailahle. A screen wilt prompt you to complete your setup.
Chapter 3