Operating Instructions Alarm/Light Module XWA11V
01/14 Rev F. 142498 Page
Ot Thermostat probe calibration: (-12.0
÷12.0°C/ -21÷21°F) allows to adjust possible offset of the
thermostat probe.
CF T measurement unit: °C = Celsius; °F = Fahrenheit. When the measurement unit is changed the
Set Point and the values of some parameters have to be modified.
rES Resolution (for °C): (in = 1°C; dE = 0.1 °C) allows decimal point display.
Ut Display update: The time delay of the T readout (0÷255s)
onF Off function enabling: n = off function disabled; y = off function enabled;
ALU High T° alarm setting: (ALL
÷ 150°C or 302°F);
when this T° is reached and after the ALd delay time the HA alarm is enabled.
ALL Low T° alarm setting: (- 50°C or -58°F
÷ ALU)
when this T° is reached and after the ALd delay time, the LA alarm is enabled,.
AFH T° alarm differential: (0,1÷25,5°C; 1÷45°F) differential for T° alarm Set Point and fan regulation
Set Point, always a positive value
ALd T° alarm delay: (0÷255 min) time interval between the detection of an alarm condition and the
corresponding alarm signaling.
dAO Delay of T° alarm at start-up: (0min÷23h 50min) time interval between the detection of the T°
alarm condition after the instrument power on and the alarm signaling.
EdA Alarm delay at the end of defrost: (0
÷255 min) Time interval between the detection of the T°
alarm condition at the end of defrost and the alarm signaling.
dot Delay of T° alarm after closing the door: (0
÷255 min) Time delay to signal the T° alarm
condition after closing the door.
LHt Light timer: (0-255 min) The time the light will stay on after pressing the light switch on the
FLH Light Flashing: (0-5 min) The light will “double flash” every 20 seconds during the FLH time period
before turning off after the LHt time. (For incandescent and LED lights only.)
doA Open door alarm delay:(0÷255 min) delay between the detection of the open door condition and
its alarm signaling: the flashing message “dA” is displayed.
oA1 First relay configuration: (14-15): ALr = alarm; LHt = light; onF = on/off relay
oA2 Second relay configuration: (14-16): ALr = alarm; LHt = light; onF = on/off relay
AOP Alarm relay polarity: cL = closing contacts; oP = opening contacts.
i1P Digital input 1 polarity (1-2): CL : the digital input is activated by closing the contact;
OP: the digital input is activated by opening the contact
i1L Door switch to turn light ON(1-2): (y / no) To turn the light ON automatically when the door is
open. The light will turn off based on LHt . Keyboard switch must be turned ON first.
i1F Digital input 1 operating mode(1-2): EAL = external alarm; dor = door switch; dFr = A defrost is
running; LHt = keep light ON (signal from occupancy sensor) override LHt.;
i2P Digital input 2 polarity (1-3): CL : the digital input is activated by closing the contact;
OP: the digital input is activated by opening the contact
i2F Digital input 2 operating mode: configure the digital input function:
EAL = External alarm;
PAn =Panic alarm;
dFr = A defrost is running; (need external CT’s)
LHt = Keep light ON (signal from occupancy sensor) overrides LHt.
did Time interval/delay for digital input alarm:(0
÷255 min.) If I2F=EAL or PAn (external alarms),
“did” parameter defines the time delay between the detection and the successive signaling of the
tbA Alarm relay & Buzzer disabling: (y ; no)
Pbc Type of probe (PTC, NTC)
dP1 Probe 1 T
rEL Software release for internal use.
Ptb Parameter table code: read only.