our used NEC
In the Euro
ean Union
wide le
islation as im
lemented in each Member State
hat used electrical and electronic
roducts carr
must be dis
osed of se
from normal household
ou dis
ose of such
lease follow the
made b
ou and
The mark on the electrical and electronic
roducts onl
to the
current Euro
ean Union Membe
Outside the Euro
ou wish to dis
ose of used electrical and electronics
outside the Euro
ean Union
lease contact
our local
and ask for the correct method o
Disposing of your used NEC product
In the European Union
EU-wide legislation as implemented in each Member State requires tha
used electrical and electronic products carr
the mark
must be
disposed of separately from normal household waste.
When you dispose of such products, please follow the agreements made
by between you and NEC.
The mark on the electrical and electronic products onl
applies to the
current European Union Member States.
Outside the European Union
If you wish to dispose of used electrical and electronic products outside
the European Union, please contact
our local authorit
and ask for the
correct method of disposal.
This product (including software) may be classified into the cargo (or service) to
which the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law is applied.
If this is the case, an export permit issued by the Government of Japan is
If you need materials to help go through the process of applying for an export
permit, consult your delivery agent or the nearby NEC branch office.
Notes on export
Compliance with the criteria of Voluntary Control Council for Interference
by Information Technology Equipment
This product is class A information technology equipment specified by the
Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment
Use of this product in home environments may cause interference.
In this case, the user may be asked for taking appropriate preventive actions.
Compliance with the Harmonic Current Emissions Guideline
This product is in compliance with the Harmonic Current Emissions Guideline for
home appliance and general purpose appliance notices by METI.