3300 ICP Technician’s Handbook
6. Click Have Disk.
7. Type c:\Program Files\Mitel\Imat in the Copy manufacturer's files
from field, then click OK.
8. In the Install from Disk window, click OK.
9. Click Next to select the NT Direct Connection.
10. Select COM 1 or COM 2, and then click Next.
11. Click Finish.
12. In the Modem Properties window, select NT Direct Connection,
then click Properties.
13. Set the following parameters:
- Maximum speed: 38 400
- Check: Only connect at this speed
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Mode: Auto Answer
In Advanced Settings window, do the following for a direct connect
- Turn off: Error control
- Turn off: Flow Control
14. Click OK and close the Control Panel window.
Physically Connecting the PC to an NSU
• Connect an RS-232 straight DTE serial cable between the NSU’s serial
port and the PC’s serial port.
Creating a Dial-Up Network Connection on Windows
Typically, you need to follow this procedure twice to create two Dial-up
Networking connections, one for on-site direct access, and one for remote
modem access.
Tip:If you are connecting through a modem, use a null modem adapter on
the NSU side.