Time of day
The display changes automatically to the time of day setting.
} +
} -
Please set the time of day OK }
Set the hours using the +/- controls and confirm with OK.
Set the minutes and press OK.
Water hardness
The display then changes to the water hardness setting.
} 15°d B
Water hardness
} 16°d
OK }
To achieve good cleaning results, the dishwasher needs soft
water. Hard water results in calcium deposits on dishware
and in the dishwasher.
If your tap water hardness is above 4 °d (4 gr/gal [US]), the
water should be softened.
– Your local water authority will be able to advise you of the
water hardness level in your area.
The dishwasher must be programmed to correspond to the
water hardness in your area.
In areas where the water hardness fluctuates (e. g.
37 - 50 °d [39 -52 gr/gal]) always program the machine to
the higher value (in this example 50 °d [52 gr/gal]).
If there is a fault, it will help the service technician to know the
hardness of your local water supply.
Please note your water hardness below:
°d (gr/gal)
Before using for the first time