For warranty service, refer to the warranty information
on page 19.
Non-warranty service for Mackie products is available at
a factory-authorized service center. To locate your
nearest service center, visit www.mackie.com, click
“Support” and select “Locate a Service Center.” Service
for Mackie products living outside the United States can be
obtained through local dealers or distributors.
If you do not have access to our website, you can call
our Tech Support department at 1-800-898-3211, Monday-
Friday, normal business hours, Pacific Time, to explain
the problem. Tech Support will tell you where the nearest
factory-authorized service center is located in your area.
Your Mackie active speakers will provide many years of
reliable service if you follow these guidelines:
Avoid exposing the active speakers to
moisture. If they are set up outdoors,
be sure they are under cover if you
expect rain or you live in Washington.
• Avoidexposuretoextremecold(belowfreezing
temperatures). If you must operate the active speakers
in a cold environment, warm up the voice coils slowly
by sending a low-level signal through them for about 15
minutes prior to high-power operation.
• Useadryclothtocleanthecabinets.Onlydothiswhen
the power is turned off. Avoid getting moisture into any
of the openings of the cabinet, particularly where the
drivers are located.
Need help with your SRM350v2?
• Visitwww.mackie.comandclickSupporttofind:
FAQs, manuals, addendums, and other useful information.
• Emailusat:techmail@mackie.com.
• Telephone1-800-898-3211tospeakwithoneofoursplendid
technical support representatives (Monday through Friday,
normal business hours, PST).
12.25 in/311 mm
20.75 in/527 mm
12.25 in/311 mm
13.1 in/333 mm
13.1 in/333 mm
26 lb
11.8 kg