starting your dishwasher for everyday loads
Here is an overview for loading and running your dish
washer. Refer to the noted pages for more details of
each step.
1. The ULTRA WASH* Soil Removal System is designed
to remove food particles from the wash and rinse
water. Remove only large chunks of food and bones
from your dishes.
2. Properly load the dishwasher Q. Make sure nothing
prevents the spray arms from spinning freely
. See
pages 7 and 8.
3. Add detergent Qj and check the rinse agent dis
penser. Add rinse agent if needed Q. See pages 9
and 10.
4. Push door firmly closed Q, The door latches automat
ically. Run hot water at the sink nearest your dishwash
er until water is hot Q. Turn off water. See page 10.
5. Press the desired Cycle and Options selections Q.
Turn the Timer knob to the desired cycle to start Q.
See pages 11 and 12.
NOTE: If the door is latched, you will hear the cycles
start and stop as the Timer knob passes each cycle
mark. This is normal and does not hurt the dishwasher.
If you prefer, you can set the Timer knob with the door