Only users familiar with the upgrade procedure are recommended to update the BIOS of
the motherboard and only when there is a need to do so. Please note that you have to
download and install the right file for your motherboard. Otherwise, you might cause
some serious system malfunctions.
5.1 How to Check Your BIOS File Name and Version
Please turn on PC first, the screen will display as follows (For example):
TRANSCEND MODULAR BIOS : ASP3-Ver.1.01 11/22/00.
5.2 How to Download the Correct BIOS File from the Web
Please enter the Transcend website on: http://www.transcendusa.com/
On the front page, click on the ”Motherboard” icon, which is the second one down. On the
Motherboard page, click on the “BIOS” icon near the top. The BIOS page contains important
information: please take the time to read this page carefully. Go to the bottom of the BIOS page,
click on “Slot 1” and choose your motherboard model.
Your BIOS file name must absolutely match the one shown on our web site. Then download the
suitable version to your disk.
You can see the BIOS description on the third line.
ASP3 - Ver 1.01 11/22/00
BIOS File Name
Make sure the first 5 charactors are exactl
the same as
our own
version if
ou want to u
our BIOS.
BIOS Version 1.01
V11 for Version 1.1
You can u
rade to a newer version if
our BIOS version is older
than this version.
BIOS Generation Date