Reader's comment sheet
Have you found this manual to be accurate?
❏ Ye s
❏ No
Could you operate the product after reading this manual?
❏ Ye s
❏ No
Does this manual provide enough background information?
❏ Ye s
❏ No
Is the format of this manual convenient in size, readability and arrangement
(page layout, chapter order, etc.)?
❏ Ye s
❏ No
Could you find the information you were looking for?
❏ Always
❏ Most of the times
❏ Sometimes
❏ Not at all
What did you use to find the required information?
❏ Table of contents
❏ Index
Are you satisfied with this manual?
❏ Ye s
❏ No
Thank you for evaluating this manual.
If you have other comments or concerns, please explain or suggest
improvements on the back of this sheet or on a separate sheet.