12 pSeries 610 Models 6C1 and 6E1 Technical Overview and Introduction
# sar -P ALL 2
AIX volker@colt 3 4 000AAFDD4C00 09/18/01
07:30:44 cpu %usr %sys %wio %idle
07:30:46 0 000100
1 000100
In the previous example, two configured processors are shown in the cpu column.
lsattr command. The AIX 5L™ Version 5.1 is output shown:
# lsattr -E -l proc0
state enable Processor state False
type PowerPC_POWER3 Processor type False
frequency 375000000 Processor Speed False
state enable means that processor 0 is enabled.
# lsattr -E -l proc1
state disabled Processor state False
type PowerPC_POWER3 Processor type False
frequency 375000000 Processor Speed False
state faulty means that processor 1 is disabled.
2.1.5 Processor clock rate
The different processor cards and the processor speeds can be identified by the following
three methods:
1. SMS Display Configuration menu. To start and enter the graphical System Management
Services, turn on or restart the computer, and press the F1 key after the keyboard icon
displays during startup and before the tone. For the text-based verion of SMS, press the 1
2. Use the lsattr -El procX command (where X is the number of processor, for example,
proc0 is the first processor in a system). The output of the command is similar to the
state enable Processor state False
type PowerPC_POWER3 Processor type False
frequency 375000000 Processor Speed False
The output of the lsattr command has been expanded with AIX 5L Version 5.1 and
shows now also the processor clock rate.
3. Use the lscfg -vp | more command. Page down to the Processor Card entry and search
for the Product Specification (ZC) entry. This gives you detailed information about:
PS Processor Clock Speed in Hz, ASCII coded hexadecimal
LB L2 Bus Speed in Hz, ASCII coded hexadecimal
SB System Bus Speed in Hz, ASCII coded hexadecimal
NP Number of Processors on Card, ASCII coded hexadecimal
L2 L2 Size in number of Kilobytes, ASCII coded hexadecimal
PF Processor card failure code, ASCII coded decimal
The following is an example of the processor card information:
Processor Card:
Part Number.................09P3481
Note: The processor(s) remain deconfigured until manually reconfigured.