with a range of extensions and new
capabilities, this support now enables
CICS business logic to be exposed as
Web services, as part of a service-
oriented architecture (SOA). These
extensions include support for
WS-Security to help protect SOAP
messages. Support is also provided
for distributed transaction-coordination
capability compatible with the WS-
Atomic Transaction specification
to help ensure that CICS Transaction
Server can adhere to Web services
CICS applications can naturally act in
the role of both service provider and
service requester, in cases where
the services are defined using Web
Services Description Language
(WSDL). The ability of CICS
Transaction Server to act as a service
provider means that it is relatively
simple for you to transform an existing
CICS application into a Web service.
The ability of CICS Transaction Server
to act as a service requester means
that a CICS application can issue
a single CICS command to use a
Web service provided by any
external provider.
To ease your ability to transform a
CICS application into a Web service,
IBM has included the CICS Web
Services Assistant, a build-time
capability provided to create WSDL
• Enable you to create adapters to
integrate business applications,
providing effective reuse of existing
assets. Consolidating integration
activities in the host environment helps
you reduce risk and complexity, as well
as the cost of creating point-to-point
integration solutions.
• Help you earn a rapid return on
investment (ROI) by providing a
range of new capabilities that you
can use immediately. Through system
configuration, you can help improve
service to the business and reduce
computing costs from the day
of adoption.
Increased integration of CICS
These enhancements include
facilities to reuse CICS applications
within broader on demand business
scenarios, using standard interfaces—
primarily Web services and Java 2
Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
connectors — and other industry
communication protocols.
Web services support
CICS Transaction Server, Version 3.1
extends its Web services support
beyond the Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) for CICS function that
was available optionally with IBM CICS
Transaction Server, Version 2. Together
document from a simple language
structure, or a language structure from
an existing WSDL document. This
support is provided for COBOL, C/C++
and PL/I. The assistant also generates
information used to enable automatic
run-time conversion between SOAP
messages and containers and
COMMAREAs. These capabilities
help ensure that you do not have to
write your own code to parse inbound
messages and to construct outbound
Enhanced HTTP support
CICS Web support is enhanced by
upgrading CICS Transaction Server
HTTP support to comply with the HTTP,
Version 1.1 specification. Outbound
HTTP support has also been added,
so that CICS can act as both an HTTP
server or as an HTTP client using
simple EXEC CICS commands.
CICS Transaction Server also supports
pipelining and chunking of messages.
You can use new resource definitions,
known as uriMAP definitions, to
manage the HTTP server facility with-
out needing to customize your analyzer
program. CICS Transaction Server
automatically creates virtual hosts
using these definitions, so multiple host