13 Troubleshoot print-quality issues
General advice
Troubleshooting tools
Lines are too thick, too thin, or missing
Lines appear stepped or jagged
Parts of lines or text are missing
Lines are printed double or in the wrong colors
Lines are blurred (ink bleeds from lines)
Lines are slightly warped
Dark or light horizontal lines across the image (banding)
The image is grainy
The image has a metallic hue (bronzing)
The printed output is not flat
The print smudges when touched
Ink marks appear on the paper
Defects near the top of a print
Colors are inaccurate
The output is completely blank
The output contains only a partial print
The image is clipped
The image is in one portion of the printing area
The image is unexpectedly rotated
The print is a mirror image of the original
The print is distorted or unintelligible
One image overlays another on the same print
Pen settings seem to have no effect
The image has a wood-grain appearance (aeroworms)
144 Chapter 13 Troubleshoot print-quality issues ENWW
Troubleshoot images