Vehicle Damage Warnings
Also, In this book you will find these noticesr
Notice: These mean there is something lhat could
damage your vehicle.
A notice will (ell you about something that can damage
your vehicle. Many times, this damage vvould nol be
covered by your warranty, and it could be costly.
But the notice wifi tell you whal to do lo help avoid Ihe
When you read olher manuals, you might see CAUTIOM
and NOTICE warnings in different colors or in different
You’ll also see warning labels on your vehicle. They use
[he same words, CAUTtON or NOTICE.
Vehicle Symbols
Your vehicle has components and labels ihat use
symbols inslead ol tekt. Symbols, used on your vehicle,
are shown along with the text describing the operation
or information roJating !o a specific component, control,
message, gage or indicator.
If you need help figuring out a specific name at a
component, gage or indicator reference the tallowing
* Seats and Restraint Systems In Sectran 1
% Foalures and Cooitfols m Section 2
% Instrument Panel Overview in Section 3
% CNmale Controls In Section 3
* Warning Lights, Cages and Indicators in Section 3
% Audio Sy&tenifs) in Section 5
% Engine Compattment Overview in Section 5