Dare to compare
GE Profile Harmony
clothes care system
Stain Inspector
system—The most comprehensive stain-removal system just got even better
Competitive comparison
# Of Stain Dedicated Dispenser Based on Color, Offers Pretreating
Selections For Presoak Fabric and Stain Type Tips Onscreen
GE Profile Harmony
washer (WPGT9360E) 80 Yes Automatic Yes
Whirlpool Duet
frontload washer (GHW9250) 1
Yes No No
Maytag Neptune
frontload washer (MAH7500) 65 No No Yes
frontload washer (45981/6) 1 Yes No No
Maytag Neptune
topload washer (FAV9800) 65 Yes No Yes
Stain Inspector simplifies the task of treating stains.
Stain cycles developed
in partnership with the
maker of Tide HE.
*WPGT9350C treats 65 stain selections.
Easily and effectively treats more than 80 stains.*
• Includes preset temperatures and wash/rinse
combinations for common stains.
• Offers one easy way to treat stains: by stain type,
fabric type or garment color.
• Saves users the trouble of handwashing items in the sink.
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