The Problem Solver(continu~)
SNAGS,HOLES, :: ~ “’
‘*Pinson g&n&ntsorsharpobjectsleftinpockets.Removeallpins, checkpock&sofall .
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_befbmputtingin washer. Also checkwaskrto seeifany objects remairiedin; ~~
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17u7eis rwsokion once
● Snaps, hook, sharp buttons, belt buckles, zippers.Make sure all hooks, S-repsand” ‘
this tjpe ofdbnwgehas “ buttonsarefhstened.Removesharpbuttonsandbeltbuckles. ‘IMsisvery important
whenwashingknits,which snageasily. ‘Ihrnknitsinside out.
● Improperuse of chlorinebleach. Holes mayhaverandomsquareshape;yellow
discoloration,fabricwill be weakatedgesofhole.
(a) Use onlycorrect,measuxedamountofbleach,
(b) Neveraddundilutedbleachto washertubnorallowclothestocome in contactwith
undiluted bleach. Do not wipe upbleach spills with clothes.
(c) Damage from chemicals such as hair preparations (bleach, dye, home permanent
solution), battery acid, some toilet bowl cleaners. Immediately rinse thoroughly towels
and other articles which havecome in contact with these chemicals before putting them
in washer. Avoidcontaminating items ofclothing with such chemicals.
● Small, umotic~ holes, km or fiP@ S-S may enlarge during washing. Check
garments carefully before loading washer and mend all rips and tears.
● ~ ~mment press gmen~ age, they may show fraying at COllarSad cuffs. This is
due to the weakening of the fibers bythe permanent press process. It is not caused bythe
washer. Youcan slow this process by washing small permanent press loads with a large
waterlevel. Do not washheavy items such as towels with permanent press. When
possible, remove collar stays.
● Roughness or bums on agi~tor due to d~age incurred by heavy belt buckles, etc.
Examine agitator for roughness or burrs and smooth by filing if necessary.
● Maybe using wrong cycle for delicate fabfics. Use delicate cycle. Refer to garment
manufacturer’s care instructions.
● G~ents we~ened by aging, or by sun or atmosphere. This is an inevitable process
and is not caused by the washer. Youmay slowdown process by use of delicate cycle.
● Toolittle water in washer or too large a load. Load washer only with the number of
items that will move freely. Select correct water level.